Monday, May 3, 2010

Spotlight on NYRB Classics

I'm going to be taking part in the upcoming Spotlight Series Tour of the New York Review of Books Classics series.

The Spotlight Series focusses upon a small publisher for each of its 'tours', and asks bloggers to review books from each publishing house. I'm going to review a book from this thoroughbred stable, and the volume I've selected is Letters: Summer 1926 (New York: The New York Review of Books, 2001).

Letters: Summer 1926 is a collection of the four-month correspondence between Boris Pasternak, Marina Tsvetayeva, and Rainer Maria Rilke. The three writers were spread throughout Europe: Pasternak was in Moscow, Tsvetayeva in exile in France, and Rilke in a sanatorium in Switzerland.

The book - in its second edition and edited by Yevgeny Pasternak, Yelena Pasternak, and Konstantin M. Azadovsky - also contains two essays about Rilke by Tsvetayeva, and has a preface by Susan Sontag and an epilogue by Jamey Gambrell.

My review will appear here on 20 May. In the meantime, have a look at the Spotlight Series blog for more details about the tour, or at the NYRB page for more information about the book.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to read this review. I just saw that book in the catalogue and was like "Damn."
